~~~~~ Why have a Will...? ~~~~~

A Will lets you leave clear instructions about how your estate is to be distributed, as without one, it is subject to the intestacy rules and therefore this may not go to the people you would have chosen.  

A Will also lets you choose your own Executors, lets you appoint guardians to look after your children if they are under 18, until they come of age and allows you to make specific bequests to individuals. These can range from items of jewellery to sums of cash.  

If you have remarried, a Will can ensure any children from a previous marriage get a share of your estate. 

Unmarried partners may not receive anything from your estate, unless you have made a Will in their favour.       

If you die without leaving a Will and have no spouse or children, your parents or siblings may inherit your estate, even if you would prefer it to go elsewhere.  The absence of a Will can unfortunately sometimes lead to family disputes.  Without a Will, your family could face a larger inheritance tax bill than necessary as a Will can help with the tax-planning process.  If your estate is divided according to the intestacy rules, your spouse or civil partner may not receive as much as you would have intended them to.

It is also important to ensure that you keep your Will up to date.  You may have already written a Will; perhaps when you bought your first house or when your children were young.  However, it is likely that many things have changed since this Will was written, and it may not now properly reflect your wishes.  

For example, you may now have grandchildren or some of the people mentioned in your original Will may have since passed away or you may now have many more assets. 

It is advisable to review your Will after every significant life change, so it still reflects your wishes.  Life events such as marriage or divorce mean that parts of your existing Will (or even all of it) will automatically become invalid making re-writing a Will necessary and advisable.       

At Monforte Wills & Estate Planning not only will we write and advise you on your Will, we will also work alongside you to identify the life changes that have taken place since you had your Will drafted, and help you identify whether any alterations are necessary.